Volunteers Helping with Clothes

Volunteers were in the gym re-organizing our clothes donation system. We give clothing to the homeless every night in the shelter. This time of year we receive many donations from people throughout Chattnooga.

Celebrating Veterans Day

I stood behind a Vietnam veteran when I was waiting in line to vote on Tuesday. It was a living reminder of how our veterans fought to keep our country free so we can have the opportunity to vote. A suggested goal for today would be to thank one veteran for their...

Turkeys on the Move

This is getting exciting! Rosa is moving the turkeys over to the cooler to thaw. It is the first stage in preparing them for Thanksgiving Day. We plan to cook 66 turkeys for this year’s dinner.

Turkey Update

We are grateful for the turkey donations that have been coming into the Mission. We have received 17 turkeys and 5 hams. We still need 10 more turkeys and 45 hams to be donated.

Thanksgiving Food Donations

We are looking forward to our Thanksgiving meal coming up soon. The Mission is accepting food donations in preparation for the dinner. You can use a food donation form which lists needed items if you would like to provide food for this event. The form is on our...