Special Delivery

Jeffrey from the Chattanooga Coffee Company came by with a special delivery. We needed some decaf coffee for evening gatherings in the shelter. They were very gracious to support us with their excellent coffee. #chattanoogacoffee

Nigel and Friends

  Nigel, Doug, and Rodney gave their time on a Saturday to clear trees at the mission. They are from Concord Baptist, one of our supporting churches.  


  Stan saw Charlie at our recent visit to Silverdale Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Charlie volunteers at the mission by researching items we need to purchase.  

Whose in charge?

  Whose in charge? Will watched kid videos while dad lead a group sorting clothes. Do you know of a group that would be interested in volunteering to sort clothes or work on grounds beautification? We would love to talk with them. Please contact us through the...

New Friend

  Donald found this new friend on a shopping cart while buying food for the mission.  


  Conroy has been volunteering at the mission for over three years. He is an electrician who helps us with electrical and maintenance projects. We enjoy having him on our team.